Sunday, February 13, 2011


melihat orang datang dan pergi dalam fasa hidup kita bukan satu yang senang ,bukan satu yang mudah .ia bukan sesenang ,mengoyak kulit pisang .bukan semudah membuka tin susu pekat .bukan kacang gila ,macam lukis orang lidi .ia ibarat menyuruh seorang yang mewarna kartun Winnie The Pooh tapi terconteng keluar garisan untuk melukis sebuah potret Monalisa Smile dan seperti menyuruh orang yang tak reti potong sayur dalam bentuk dadu untuk memasak macam Jamie Oliver .

kalaulah memori boleh dipadam seperti api disembur dengan fire extinguisher ,esok juga 1000 botol akan di-order .malangnya bukan macam tuh ,memori akan terpadam dengan sendirinya bila mata dipejam rapat untuk bebas di alam lain .andai ,segala tempat yang pernah dinikmati sama-sama boleh dipupuskan dengan satu tiupan ,maka 1 juta tiupan akan ditiup .malangnya tidak .

tak guna memaksa untuk melupakan janji semalam kerana sekali berjanji ,selamanya akan terpahat .

now ,tell me how can i make it through ?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

my galaxy .should i give up ?

p/s: sorry due to low picture quality .blogspot did reducing the pixel and picture quality and compressed them to small sizes *sigh

i used to capture someone else life ,dressing them up ,put a dolly make up on them .my mission is just to make them feel happy about themselves .i'm able to catch the moment which they think they can't make it through but i say yes you can .i told them to grab it as passion ,hug it as their love and make it alive as the air they breathe .

it come to my satisfaction ,when they say it was awesome ,pretty and amazing .maybe there is here and there saying it's just another amateur un-professional work .but i say it's alright cause it's my passion and i didn't give a damn to any negative thought .i just keep on going

on and on till one day ......

i realize that i lost all of them and it fall to the last place on my list .i stuck in a body that blocking my way to my dream ,my star and my moon .the entire galaxy went dark and swallowing all the joyful i had planted well in myself for about 10 years ago.

the truth is i always loves high fashion and photography but it begin to fade each day .i don't know what happened actually ,all i know is i don't know how to start all over again .

maybe ,i should leave them forever .should i ?

p/s: make up ,editting ,picture all done by me .